Granted Freedom
‘Do you mean it, sir? Do you really not require me to do anything at all? Earlier, you said…’
Keith just mentioned the need for both time and effort to change the country, which according to him, also requires a lot of allies.
‘If you wish to help, I would be grateful. Frankly speaking, we’re in dire need of people that we would borrow even the help of a witch. Sure enough, you’ve heard of your father, the minister to the right, wanting to leave his post in order to take responsibility after you were condemned right, and my father who prevented him from doing so, right? If we don’t entertain the flexibility to turn a blind eye on even the tiniest blunders, we would have no one left.’
‘Then all the more…’
—would her assistance be needed, or so Chloe was about to say, but Keith raised his hand, beckoning her to halt her words.
‘However, Lady Chloe, not only did you seal the witch and reverted the miasma levels to normal, you also created a gaping hole in the defense of the corrupted sacred church, the kingdom’s problem for the longest time. It’s all thanks to you that the chance to reform it has come.
You’ve done enough, lady. The only thing a crown prince such as myself should offer you is a chance to live your life freely as repayment for your efforts.’
‘But would the others accept that, sir?’
Prince Yello spoke of gratitude and rewards but Chloe knew that it would not be so easy for him to let her go. Chloe’s influential power as a saintess is precisely what both the royal family and the sacred church desperately crave right now. Although there won’t likely be any repeat to dangers such as the last decisive battle, just having the presence of saintess in their side would make them the ‘authority’ in the kingdom.
‘If we exhaust you any further than this, Yolda’s dearest friend, Saintess, the first, would truly abandon the royal family this time. It’s clear what would be the correct choice if you consider the future. Not to mention, we can’t remain desperately clinging to a single woman, too. This time, we need to make things happen through our very hands.
‘Is…that so… Very well, sir.’
Witch Yolda’s soul rests in Chloe’s body. The confession she had earlier was heard and taken seriously more than she expected. If the royal family kept on using her for their means, it may revive the witch’s hatred anew and threaten the kingdom’s peace again.
(That might be true. Perhaps, as a “witch”, that might be the case. But in truth, both Yolda and Chloe…)
‘Uhm, Lady Chloe? You seem to be brooding over it, but are you not misunderstanding something? It’s not like we’re just discarding you because you’ve had your use.’
As Chloe cast her eyes down and grasped her skirt tight, she heard a carefree voice pass over her head. As the lady. As she raised her face, flushed in embarrassment in having seen through, she saw the prince smiling wryly at her.
‘I did say that I will give you freedom, right? Ever since I started observing you, I have decided to grant whatever you wish for after the ordeal was successfully overcome.
You may leave the country if you wish, but I would be grateful if you choose to stay. Whichever choice you take, I will be behind it.’
‘My wish, sir…? No matter what it is, and no matter how many?’
‘Why don’t you speak the things that come to your mind, right now? Do you wish to take revenge against my older brother and the others? Or perhaps, do you wish to be wed to anyone in particular? Anything. But of course, if you wish for something that would endanger the kingdom, I will regard you as my enemy.’
Prince Yellow merrily said that with a smile on his face but his eyes were pierced through Chloe without a hint of negligence behind them. Seeing the prince transform into a monarch during the times she had not seen him made Lady Chloe deeply moved. But if you look at it a different way, all of them who indulged themselves in their love tragedy drama while placing him on the sidelines, would look pale to him in comparison.
That was when Shin who grew worried about his mistress’ prolonged absence had shown up. It was quite late; and Yello also needed to promptly make his return to the capital. Having told Chloe that he will come back for tomorrow, Chloe was lead by Shin back to the lodging house.
As she turned her eyes to the night sky, she saw a flying dragon seemingly traversing the moon and the stars.
‘Wish… My wish…’