Dai Nable’s Ending.
Leddorio, who had just left the drawing-room, climbed a staircase to deliver documents. Because they were slightly obstructing his vision, he took each of the steps of the stairs with grave attention as he could easily lose his footing.
‘Prince Leddorio, may I offer my assistance?’
Shifting the stack slightly to make certain of who called out to him, there was Knight Commander Apple, Dai’s brother-in-law, saluting him before the stairs.
‘No, Knight Commander, I can hold unto it just fine.’
‘I am on my break, sir. Not to mention, I also have a business upstairs.’
‘Is that so? Then I will take you up on your word, but only till we get past the stairs.’
‘By your will, sir.’
The stacks of files that he carried with great pains were so easily carried by the officer. He felt as though his pride as a man was somehow slighted, but there is no mistake that the stack was far too much, which itself, is a testament to the royal castle’s severe lack of labor. He was convinced that the first prince faction was disposed of when Yello became the crown prince, but on the contrary, he felt as though it was the 2nd prince’s faction whose numbers diminished instead.
‘Which reminds me, sir, how is Dai of recent?’
‘According to my wife, he was apparently told of a magic potion research that allows the regrowth of limbs and is headed there.’
‘R-regrowth of limbs, sir? That is quite… the outlandish idea.’
The prince recollected that the son of the general previously went to the Corrundum Kingdom with Locke and his group in search of better prosthetics arms, but he suspects that the man’s true aim is to pursue Kisara, who is now Shin’s subordinate. Apparently, Dai’s absence is pushing his older sister, Rinji, to inherit the house, something the latter is very unhappy about.
‘It’s because mother-in-law is worrying about him, but I daresay, it brings much better prospects than prosthetic arms, which takes time to handle, and I would much rather have him return faster too.’
‘I guess that is true. It was his dream to become a knight to be able to protect those dear to him anyway.’
Momo and Chloe; the relation of the gentlemen to the two ladies have left a huge change in their environs. Darck, who previously closed his heart from his family, is now working towards mending their affairs. Sei, whose philandering habit was severe, is now under the reigns of his wife, Missouri. Only Dai amongst them is able to enjoy his freedom, but the young lord’s mental state underwent a severe change.
Each of them was ever so slightly moving forward as they come face to face with their own demons.
(But what about me?)
After falling in love with Momo and discarding Chloe, the prince was pushed off the royal succession. He knew that those were not the sole reason for his downfall, and there is still no telling to him what could’ve happened if he did end up marrying the ducal lady either. It was all a predetermined course in the game, as he was told—a pure absurdity to him.
‘I can handle it from here, knight commander. I have caused you troubles.’
‘Not at all, sir. Please be careful.’
‘I will, phew. Right, we were talking about the regrowth of limbs previously, weren’t we? That’s quite a curious topic. Was that also Corrundum Kingdom’s initiative, sir?’
‘No, sir. It was suggested to him by Count Glinda, to be precise, the adopted one who named himself as such in the guild registry.’
Just hearing the name mentioned rocked the prince slightly. As he recalls, it was not only the combined influence of the changed Chloe and his younger brother’s clandestine endeavors that stirred up everything; the adventurer also had a hand on it, even without his own knowing. Be it in being Momo’s childhood friend or the goodwill he gave towards Chloe; one or the other had largely contributed to the kingdom’s relief, something he still cannot bring himself to acknowledge.
After separating from the officer, Leddorio arrived at the door of the crown prince’s office. Realizing that he could not knock with both of his hands occupied, he entertained the idea of calling out to his younger brother instead.
‘Keith, are you there? Open the door.’
‘Well if it isn’t his highness, Leddorio. I shall open it for you, sir, give me a moment.’
Sando peeked through the door, opened it, and led him inside. In the room’s table was a stack of paper—not losing in proportion to the ones Leddorio brought with him—burying his brother behind it. He caught a whiff of the smell of coffee upon entering the room, which reminded him of his temporary stay at the Grace Lodgings.
‘Brother, please do stop calling me like that in front of others. Also, just hire a secretary already.’
Keith, whom he had known to have sweet tooth, was sipping a black coffee. Their usual exchange will normally end with his younger brother’s impertinence, but noticing the dark shade underneath his younger brother’s eyes threw him off the mood for verbal squabbles. The crown prince is still due for very taxing labors.
‘I can’t find anyone as trustworthy as Darck or Sei.’
‘It is still dangerous for the first prince to tip in his toes trying to balance a stack of documents. Alright, I’ll introduce you to several prospects while I’m at it, you go and meet them, brother.’
After saying that, Leddorio placed the document accordingly to instructions. He was then given another stack of documents—even more than he previously carried— to be delivered to the minister-to-the-right. He slightly lamented parting with the knight commander earlier, but he could not allow himself borrow the officer’s goodwill and disturb him from his duties.
‘Come to think of it, have you met with Lady Chloe already, brother?’
‘No. Has she returned?’
‘That she has, although you likely won’t meet her a lot with her busy schedule. She is your colleague, brother, why not pay her a visit?’
Chloe was appointed as the Holy Chancellor after her return from Nansonia Convent. The position, which could be said to be the new form of the saintesses, was not a mere puppet of the royal family and sacred church as it was before. She is now serving the country in governance as the Saintess, the first’s mouthpiece.
Prince Yello said that this was one of Chloe’s wishes too. After all, the lady truly hears the voice of the saintess. Not even the sacred church could say anything to the direct request from the being synonymous to being the deity of the kingdom—Nay, they likely have so much to say, thought Leddorio, but Yello had the newspaper company publish it throughout the country before they could air any grievances.
‘Chloe, a colleague? That feels quite odd somehow.’
‘Well, you’ve been engaged for quite a while. How about ‘comrades’ then? Since you fought battles together.’
Leddorio responded to his younger brother’s banter with a bitter smile. He carried the mountains of documents in his arms and left the room after. Because Sando closed the door immediately after his departure, the mutterings of the crown prince had escaped his ears.
‘Brother should just recognize it already. Or else, he will never be able to move forward.’