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Love Games Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Translator: She.Wee

Chapter 14


In the second raid, the roots of the enraged Star Tree suddenly pop out of the ground. Healers and magic-based classes use binding spells to keep the roots from going back into the ground. During this time, the dealers must fully deplete the roots’ HP. If you get hit by the roots’ attack, you will be paralyzed for 20 seconds and unable to move.

[Guild] neutaaaa: Hahaha, honey >_<

[Guild] HalloweenEggplant: Ah, I’m so jealous of the couple’s buff;

However, since the Star Tree symbolizes love, it doesn’t attack couples. Thanks to frequently running dungeons together, Ji9star and neutaaaa, who have become a business couple, leisurely attacked the bound roots.

[Guild] Ji9star: Babe, let’s do a speed run after this, pleaseㅠㅅㅠ

[Guild] neutaaaa: What? It’s me or speed;

[Guild] Ji9star: Movement. Speed.

[Guild] neutaaaa: We’re breaking up;

In the end, all the guild members, except for the two, were temporarily paralyzed. As the roots’ HP decreased by half, the speed at which they emerged from the ground started to increase.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: Meowie, shouldn’t you come with your alt….

[Guild] Ji9star: Oh, right, Meowie was originally with the guild master, lolololololol.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: I’ve been around longer than your crew, lol.

Kyungsoo recalled that he had once paired up his alt character with the guild master. It was because of an event that gave out a mount item if the couple stayed together for 100 days. However, he hadn’t logged in with that character much, so they were still technically a couple.


Kyungsoo was genuinely startled when he heard a deep voice in his ear and jumped out of his chair. He turned his head to see Noeul smiling menacingly.

“You seem to have had many other partners besides me?”


I know this pattern. It’s the kind you often see in dramas. It made me realize once again how harmful media can be. This is the problem with kids these days. They see this kind of stuff on TV and think it’s really romance. Kyungsoo squinted one eye and replied.

“If we’re being precise, you’re not my partner either.”

Noeul furrowed his brow. He then moved the chair back to its original position.

‘I’m sure he knows that I don’t like him, so why is he suddenly sulking?’

Just as Kyungsoo was glancing at Noeul’s profile, the third boss raid began. Kyungsoo returned his gaze to the monitor.

“The Star Tree has appeared.”

The enraged Star Tree lifted its roots and stood up. Every time the tree took a step, the guild room shook, and the warning alarms echoed throughout.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: Meowie

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: ??

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: Shall we do the next lumbering on the weekend?

Without the paralyzing skill from the second raid, everything went more smoothly. As Kyungsoo approached right under the Star Tree and fired a cursed cannon at it, he replied:

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: Sure, there are the most people on the weekend

[Guild] Ji9star: ㅡㅡGuild leader, why don’t you ask for our opinions?

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: You guys are always online anyway

[Guild] ParkRoach: Seems suspicious?ㅡㅡ

[Guild] neutaaaa: It’s obvious;;ㅡㅡ

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: Have you switched targets…?

The focus shifted from Cheon Noeul to the guild master. This group’s way was to always find someone to tease, and if there was no one, they would create a target. They enjoyed it whether the person reacted or not, laughing whether they poked fun or received a response. Kyungsoo chuckled helplessly.

[Server] Ji9star: ThousandSunsets’s lover has cheated! With the guild master~~~~~!~!~~!~!!

A nonsense message spread across the server using the server mic. Private messages followed, advising him not to do that and to stay faithful. He replied to them all with a simple ‘ㅗ’. [T/N: Equivalent of middle finger]

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: Are you crazy?

[Guild] Ji9star: Nope ><

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: No, LOL. Meowie, you need to bring your alt character so I don’t get hit.

[Guild] ParkRoach: What an excuse;;

[Guild] neutaaaa: What an excuse;;

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: Ugh….

Everyone had already completed their third job change, so the boss raid couldn’t have been easier. They casually chatted while attacking the Star Tree. Ignoring the nonsense, Kyungsoo steadily stacked up damage.

“What are you doing?”


“Are you ignoring me?”

“I’m focused, so don’t talk to me.”

Noeul turned his body to hide the laptop monitor from Kyungsoo. Although curious about what Noeul was so focused on, Kyungsoo didn’t have time to check.

‘The Star Tree has been destroyed.’

‘The Star Tree’s soul has appeared!’

The pet automatically picked up the items dropped by the shattered Star Tree. The Star Tree’s soul flickered between transparency and solidity. When the tree became solid again, they all used their finishing moves, ending the lumbering process. After 15 minutes, Kyungsoo’s inventory was full of related crafting materials.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: I’m going to strengthen a ring. Should I go to Genese to buy holy water?

[Guild] HalloweenEggplant: A ring? Sounds suspicious….

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: What’s suspicious, you bald head?

[Guild] HalloweenEggplant: ㅠㅠ….

[Guild] ParkRoach: Couldn’t even pick up the pieces, LOL

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: LOL

[Guild] Ji9star: Oh? Meowie, does everything the guild leader says amuse you now? True love…?

[Guild] ParkRoach: LOL, damn, LOL

The vice guild leader still hadn’t regained his composure. Whenever he approached a makeup shop, someone would whisper to him to inform him. The bounty on the vice guild leader’s head was set by ParkRoach, inspired by Cheon Noeul’s past event idea.

[Guild] al0ha: Yeah, it’s Genese. He’s in front of the guild zone mailbox.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: Thanks

Kyungsoo left the guild room to strengthen his weapon. Suddenly, Noeul began rapidly pressing the keyboard. What was he doing? Kyungsoo turned his head slightly. When the loading screen ended and Kyungsoo arrived at the guild zone portal, he witnessed the most absurd scene he had seen in a long time.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: ?????????????

[Guild] MeowieMeowMeow: ……?

[Guild] Ji9star: What’s up???

As soon as he came out, the guild master collapsed in front of the portal, his eyes turned into Xs. And standing before him, holding two swords, striking a cool pose, was Cheon Noeul. PoseidonCaptain couldn’t comprehend what was happening, so he kept spamming question marks. The guild members who followed them out of the guild room surrounded the three of them, sending ‘LOL’ over their heads, laughing wildly.

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: ……???

[Global] ThousandSunsets: ㅇㅅㅇ….

[Global] Ji9star: Damn, LOL, I love this, LOL


[Server] Anchor: Love and war started in the guild zone of channel 3 Feat. Sunset and Meowie

The number of onlookers grew. Given the situation, even Kyungsoo, who was involved, couldn’t help but laugh. So this was what he had been planning when he told me not to talk to him because he was focused?

“Hyung, step back a little.”


Despite his confusion, Kyungsoo followed Noeul’s instruction. As soon as PoseidonCaptain revived, Noeul struck with a powerful move that left a deep crater in the ground. This time, PoseidonCaptain tried to respond, but his class was not a good match against Blaze.

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: Why are you doing this?

Kyungsoo bit his lip. PoseidonCaptain looked so pitiful lying on the ground and talking, but the spectators enjoyed the scene.

[Global] ThousandSunsets: Hello

“This lunatic.”

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: ? Hello;

[Global] ThousandSunsets: Nice to meet you ^^

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: Oh, okay….

[Global] ParkRoach: What are you two doing? Is this a blind date?

Noeul continued to pour out skills next to the still-collapsed PoseidonCaptain. Unable to revive, the guild master was forced to remain on the ground.

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: ???? Why are you doing this to me?

[Global] ParkRoach: It’s because of his lover, LOL

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: Ah….

‘Hooking Star!’

Kyungsoo used a wide-area attack skill. Since attacks on players were allowed in the guild zone, some of the onlookers were killed, and Noeul’s HP quickly dropped. Kyungsoo jumped over Noeul, firing a bazooka repeatedly at his head, with stars flying around. Noeul didn’t fight back, taking the hits until he fell next to PoseidonCaptain.

[Global] PoseidonCaptain: What is this situation….

[Global] ThousandSunsets: LOL

Kyungsoo jumped to the clock tower in the guild zone to escape them. The person responsible for this absurd situation was sitting right next to him. Kyungsoo asked in an exasperated tone.

“So you waited just to do this?”

“Of course.”

Noeul, who had taken the hits without retaliating and ended up collapsed, smiled brightly as if he were genuinely happy.

“…Aren’t you coming with us now? The lumbering is over.”

“Wait a bit. I’ll stick with him until he logs out.”

This guy was serious. From the way he relentlessly pursued anyone who put a bounty on his head, Kyungsoo knew what to expect. He shook his head in disbelief.

“The guild master has been back for less than an hour! Don’t do this!”

“Why do you care? You don’t even bother with me… but you made a couple with him. And you rejected my ring nine times.”

Noeul spoke while lazily pressing the keyboard, causing innocent bystanders to get caught up and die.

[Guild] PoseidonCaptain: What is this, LOL

[Guild] neutaaaa: You picked the wrong opponent… haha


People wailed, recalling the nightmare of Sunset, but those enjoying the situation far outnumbered them. The global chat filled with curses and laughter aimed at Cheon Noeul, scrolling rapidly.

“You could make a couple with me too, you know. Now… stop it.”

“…Are you serious?”

“Yeah. This is my main character, so I like you more.”

Kyungsoo mumbled insincerely as he warped to the lava hot springs. Noeul’s expression softened, fully believing Kyungsoo’s words. As Noeul left the scene, peace returned to the guild zone.

「PoseidonCaptain: Pea, Meowie, are you coming on later?」

「PeaPea: Manager Park (TT)」

「Poseidon Captain: Okay, working late? What about you, Meowie? lol」

Last year, the performances went on until 10 PM. Kyungsoo wondered what time he could return home, but he gave up on thinking about it.

「Me: I’m at a friend’s school festival… Not sure T_T」

「Me: Is something happening today?」

「PoseidonCaptain: There was a big fall update this morning」

「PeaPea: I’m actually reading the announcements now LOL There’s another songpyeon gathering event T_T I’m so tired of this…」

「ParkRoach: Go do your workㅡㅡ!」

「PeaPea: Why should I do it when even Manager Park isn’t doing it;」

「PoseidonCaptain: There’s something new in the update besides the songpyeon」

New event! Kyungsoo had managed to escape to the bathroom after being jostled by people. He knew from the pre-announcement page last week that there would be a Chuseok event and a new map.

「HalloweenEggplant: Wow, jumping the gun LOL Meowie, join meㅎ」

「Me: ?」

「PoseidonCaptain: Rejected, I asked first」

「ParkRoach: Let guild’s cute healer join><」

「PoseidonCaptain: ParkRoach, you said you weren’t playing earlier?」

「ParkRoach: I said I wasn’t playing with the guild master」

「ParkRoach: Took a long break and lost your touch LOL See ya」

「PoseidonCaptain: ^^」

「PoseidonCaptain: Now that I think about it, it’s a time attack… We probably don’t need a healer^^」

「ParkRoach: No, no, you’ll need me for buffs T_T」

「PoseidonCaptain: We’ll see.」

「Me: Wait, I got a call」

What kind of event was updated that made them want to play together? Kyungsoo pressed the call button to answer.

– Kyungsoo, where are you? Are you here?

“I’m in the bathroom on the second floor.”

– What are you saying? The broadcasting room is on the first floor. Hurry down.

Just as he was about to say okay, a familiar voice caught his ear. Kyungsoo quickly ducked into a stall, locked the door, and covered his mouth.

“…Hyung is on the phone again.”

It was definitely Noeul’s voice.

“Who is it? A girl?”

“It’s my brother, not a girl….”

“What the heck, then I don’t care.”

“I didn’t ask you to care. Why do you want to know?”

“Damn it, I’m curious because you keep looking at your phone!”

“What’s this? I’m helping you, and you’re complaining? Should I just stop?”

“Sorry, keep calling until they answer.”

This was Noeul’s school. Kyungsoo had thought that with so many people around, he could avoid running into him, but as soon as he arrived, he heard that voice.

-Hello? Hey, I have to hang up.

Why aren’t you talking? If you come to the broadcasting room entrance, you’ll find me there.

He had planned to stay until the performance was over, but now he thought he might run into Noeul before then. Kyungsoo climbed onto the toilet seat and peeked over the stall door toward the sink area where the voice had come from. Noeul, with his unusually bright hair, wiped his hands on his clothes and left the bathroom. Judging by his costume-like outfit, he was probably part of the organizing committee.

“This world is way too small.”

As soon as the call ended, Noeul’s name popped up on the screen. Kyungsoo ignored the call and headed down the stairs.

To the immediate right of the central hallway, according to the sign, was the broadcasting room. Sewon, who was managing the people coming in and out of the room, saw Kyungsoo and waved. A male student who was guiding people with her glanced between Kyungsoo and Sewon and playfully covered his mouth.

“What? Is he your boyfriend?”



Both their faces twisted simultaneously at the question. The male student who had asked the mischievous question got punched in the side by Sewon and became sullen.

“Hey, you got a call.”

Even though he had set his phone to silent mode, the words ‘Noeul’ appeared on the screen, which Sewon pointed out.

“Aren’t you going to answer?”

“It’s spam.”

“Then block it.”

He had said he wouldn’t come, but that annoying guy kept bothering him. Kyungsoo had come to meet his middle school friends after a long time, not to be dragged around by Noeul today.

Leaving the male student to stand by the door, Sewon pushed Kyungsoo into the broadcasting room. Familiar faces filled the room. The group that used to hang out with Sewon in middle school was all gathered there. The broadcasting club was running events with board games and the ‘Pop-up Pirate’ game.

“Kim Kyungsoo’s luck is still unbeatable.”

After winning five rounds in a row, Kyungsoo grinned as he waved the culture gift certificate he had received as the first prize.

“He’s always good at things without money involved. But whenever there’s a serious bet or money on the line, he loses everything.”

“What are you talking about! Just because I lost a few times! I’m generally good at everything!”

Kyungsoo jumped up in protest. He challenged his friend’s opinion, betting a thousand won, and once again plunged the knife into the Pop-up Pirate. The pirate flew into the air on his first try.

The friends, who had switched with the first-year students, took Kyungsoo around to various club booths. Kyungsoo easily swept up the first-place prizes from other clubs and handed them over to the broadcasting club. He even won a fish-shaped candy the size of a person’s body from the newspaper club. The friends, who had taken all the other prizes, decided to be generous and said, ‘Let’s give this one to Kim Kyungsoo,’ and spun him around by the shoulders.

“Oh, no! Give it to someone else; I don’t need it.”

“Congratulations on your first place!”

While the newspaper club members clapped, the club president personally tied the fish candy to Kyungsoo’s back. Of all things, something so hard to carry! As he left the clubroom, his whole body trembled as passersby glanced at the fish on his back.

「PoseidonCaptain: Meowie…」

「PoseidonCaptain: Who do you think is suffering because of ThousandSunsets T_T」

The chat room was still buzzing with discussions about forming a team for the new event. It had been a while since they had a team-based event, probably the first since the ‘VS Guild Siege War.’ Since PoseidonCaptain’s return, Cheon Noeul had been relentlessly targeting PoseidonCaptain in the guild zone whenever Kyungsoo wasn’t paying attention, stabbing him with a sword.

「HalloweenEggplant: Ah LOL That guy’s behavior these days is just like Sunset during his peak Random killings with no reason」

「HalloweenEggplant: If I had known it would turn out like this, I would’ve tried harder to stop him from leaving the guild LOL It would’ve been even more fun….」

「Ji9star: But it’s a bit different LOL ThousandSunsets just obsessively follows his target everywhere LOL In some ways, that’s worse than Sunset… He follows you even if you try to run away;」

「PoseidonCaptain: Seriouslyㅡㅡ」

Kyungsoo had heard a lot about Sunset. Although he hadn’t witnessed the incident that led to Sunset’s suspension, there were several guild members who had suffered at Sunset’s hands.

“The Scout Alliance Club is running a haunted house, and they’re saying it’s a must-see.”

Sewon showed Kyungsoo a message from a friend. It was accompanied by ten exclamation points, warning that they’d regret it if they didn’t go. The friends, convinced by the message, decided to stop by the haunted house before heading to watch the performances.

The haunted house, which they had assumed would be poorly done, was surprisingly well-crafted. The windows were covered with blackout curtains, and screams echoed from within. A ghost, with one eye covered in fake blood, awaited them at the entrance.

“Because the hallway is narrow, you’ll need to go in pairs.”

At those words, four pairs of eyes turned to Kyungsoo.

“…I’ll go alone.”

“Knew it, go ahead! Good luck!”

Knowing that it was all just people in costumes, Kyungsoo wasn’t scared at all. As soon as the group ahead of him bolted out of the exit, Kyungsoo adjusted the fish-shaped candy strapped to his back and stepped inside. The interior was quite eerie, with children hiding below to grab at ankles and others jumping out from closets.

“Excuse me, which way is the exit?”


“To the left?”


“To the right?”


“Thank you.”

The ghost seemed disappointed by Kyungsoo’s lack of fear.

“What’s this? A dead-end?”

They told me to go right! The maze-like partitions made it difficult to find the way out. Kyungsoo turned back. At that moment, there was a loud bang from behind him.


“Aah, ahhhh!”

The coffin, which he had thought was just a prop, opened to reveal someone even scarier than the ghost. Noeul emerged, his face lighting up as soon as he saw Kyungsoo, and he pulled him into a tight embrace. Kyungsoo, who hadn’t been startled by the haunted house’s setup, finally let out a scream. The ghosts he had passed on the way in popped their heads out to watch him.

“Did you come looking for me?”


“You didn’t answer your phone, so I guess you wanted to surprise me like this.”

Noeul whispered into Kyungsoo’s ear. Unlike the other ghosts with their bizarre makeup, Noeul was only wearing a vampire cape with his hair slicked back.

“Hey, I’m done with this!”


At Noeul’s shout, the ghosts all asked in unison.

“Why do you think? I said I’d help until my friend got here.”

“What do you mean? I’m the friend, right?”

Kyungsoo looked up at Noeul as he spoke. Ignoring him, Noeul took off his cape and draped it over Frankenstein’s arm.

“No, you can’t leave! If you go, no one else will come!”

“That’s not my problem. Besides, I didn’t even do any makeup, so just grab another guy and dress him up.”

“That’s not the issue….”

Without looking back, Noeul casually turned around and led Kyungsoo out, his hand resting on Kyungsoo’s lower back as they navigated the maze.

“Relax, hyung. Your back is so stiff.”

Noeul whispered playfully. Kyungsoo blinked and replied,

“That’s not my back you’re touching.”

I wasn’t even tense. Noeul didn’t believe him and kept whispering for him to relax. It wasn’t until they reached the entrance that Noeul realized he had been patting the fish-shaped candy on Kyungsoo’s back the whole time, not his back. He laughed, deflated. As soon as Kyungsoo exited, his friends, who had been waiting outside, called out to him eagerly without entering themselves.

“Was it scary inside? Why did you scream?”

“It wasn’t scary at all.”

His friends openly displayed their disappointment. As two of them entered, the remaining two alternated between looking at Kyungsoo and Noeul.

“…Is he your friend?”

“Friends from middle school.”

“Hello, I’ll be taking him with me.”

Noeul said it so naturally that Kyungsoo couldn’t help but smile wryly.

“…You should go back in. It’s fine. I’m not going!”

“What? I came out to hang out with you, hyung.”

“I’ve already been through it.”

“You can go again with me.”

As their conversation continued, the friends awkwardly nodded. Noticing their reaction, Noeul gleefully grabbed Kyungsoo’s tie and dashed down the stairs. As he was dragged along by Noeul, Kyungsoo suddenly grabbed his arm.

“I have to go watch the performance with them.”

“All the celebrities have already left.”

T/N: If you like my work then please support me by buying me a ko-fi.

Also you can read 10 chapters ahead at my patreon.


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