Three days later, when I arrived at the border, the knights and chamberlains of the Kingdom of Seiran were lined up.
When I cross the border, I can see the faces of the people who sent me, and it makes me nostalgic.
A knight came in front of us.
I know them very well.
“My name is Robert, the head of the First Order of the Knights of the Kingdom. I will be in charge of the escort until their highness returns to the border again, so thank you. The six of them will be exclusive chamberlains with their highness from now on. Please feel free to ask us anything.”
The chamberlains were the ones in charge even in the royal palace.
I can see that my brother is careful not to be rude.
But everyone is welcome. Rather than that, there was a distant and nervous atmosphere.
Just like when I came to the Kingdom of Tenar, only our attendees can cross the border, and the carriages change to the carriages of the Kingdom of Seiran, and the luggage are also moved.
We can’t take the guards or the chamberlains with us.
If it is the beastman knights, it is enough to transfer the luggage, but if it is humans, it takes an hour.
In the meantime, the chamberlains of the Kingdom of Seiran set up tables and chairs and prepared tea and snacks.
“The waiting time is long, but it’s good to be able to have tea. The tea and snacks of the Kingdom of Seiran are quite delicious.”
Next to Timir-oniisama enjoying tea elegantly, Frair-oniisama has a difficult face.
“It hurts that I can’t take a single escort with me. Is it okay to trust the knights of the Kingdom of Seiran?”
“Frair, if it’s an escort, I’ll be there. And we don’t need escorts in the first place.”
“Are my brothers-in-law strong enough that you don’t need an escort?”
The royal family is in a position to be protected in the first place, so it doesn’t need to be so strong.
“I’m probably the weakest.”
“What!? Gresis-sama!?”
To my surprise, Timir-oniisama shook his head while laughing.
“No, no, Gresis is by far the strongest right now. I wonder if Frair and I are on the same level?”
“No, I’m probably the weakest. Unlike Timir, I’m not an all-purpose type.”
“That’s what you say, but my brothers’ improvement is strong. I’ve trained several times as much as my brothers, and I’m finally equal. If you do the same, I won’t be able to compete.”
“No, it’s impossible to train like Gresis.”
“That’s right.”
I can’t imagine my brothers-in-law swinging a sword, but it seems they’re as strong as Gresis-sama.
It’s understandable that they don’t need an escort.
I was surprised by the unexpected power relationship between the brothers.
As we were talking, an hour passed quickly and we were ready to leave.
Before getting into the carriage, Robert gave us hooded robes.
“This time, the Prince’s wedding will be confidential until the day. In order not to reveal your identity until the day, just in case, please always wear this robe like us.”
“It’s troublesome to make a fuss is made about being beastman, so it can’t be helped.”
Starting with Timir-oniisama, we put on our robes and got into the carriage together.
The carriage is prepared for six people, so Gresis-sama and I sat next to each other, and my brothers-in-law sat opposite.
When the carriage left and crossed the border, it started to rain.
The rain gradually gets stronger.
The rain that just arrived in March is still cold, and the temperature is low here because it is still a mountain.
“It was sunny before we crossed the border. It’s raining as soon as we cross the border. I hope something bad doesn’t happen.”
“Absolutely. It’s not good luck.”
Listening to the conversation between Timir-oniisama and Frair-oniisama, I shook my head.
“Oh, it’s a coincidence. I’ve heard that the weather in the mountains changes frequently.”
“That’s right. No matter what happens, there is no problem if we are here.”
Perhaps sensing my anxious air, Gresis-sama hugged my shoulder with his robe and wrapped me softly.
When I touch the fluffy tail that came on my knees while feeling the low voice and the comfortable warmth of Gresis-sama, my heart feels at ease.
I’m sure it’ll be fine. Such a rumor. . .
I put my cheek to Gresis-sama’s chest and pushed away the feeling of anxiety.
They set up a flag. Something bad is going to happen.
Sorry for the late chapter. I was having internet problems yesterday, so you will be getting 2 chapters today.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!